Equipment for video diagnostic

Special equipment is used for video diagnostic. It is adapted for running through pipelines with different diameters and configurations. The simplest diagnostic device has tilting video camera, whish scans pipeline walls and transfers signal up on the monitor. Monitor is integrated with remote control desk. Basing on the receiving data the decision is made by site specialists – or the pipeline is out of use or it can be locally repaired. More complicated equipment can do video inspection as well as local reparation and objects removal, which are on the way inside the pipe. Special milling heads can be adjusted to the robot for processing removal operation.
HDD rigs

Horizontal directional drilling rigs are used in laying pipelines up to 600mm in diameter and 1000 meters length. We have 9 secure machines with different pulling force from 2 up to 45 tones. There are drilling rigs for soft soils, for rock, for work in compacted city conditions, wide range of drilling equipment for any soil type.

Trenchers – trench digging machines with follow-up laying of the utilities. Machine consists of several main parts – wheel or crawler base, or excavator, cutting tool which consists of frame, cutting chain and chain tensional sprocket. Depends of the model trencher can be fitted with hydro reducer power mechanism, mould board, plows, etc. Trenchless machine has such advantages: mechanizes the most laborious processes during earth-moving job, ensures possibility to dig trenches of different depth and width with flat sides, reduces probability of soil downfall above the trench, and allows working with different soil types in any conditions, even during low temperatures.
Cable-laying machine

This machine is used for trenchless cable laying. It can lay down copper and fibre-optic cable, with simultaneously control tape and polyethylene pipes laying. Cable laying machines can do coupling, decoupling and relieving of empty drums, as well as pit digging for primary knife undercutting, also chap backfilling after cable laying.
Hydraulic bursters

This equipment is used for bursting sanitation method of steel, cast iron, concrete, ceramic and plastic pipes with diameter 60-800mm. In tight city conditions, enough space is often absent for to lay utilities off side the old pipelines. In addition, there is always probability to receive rejection on cutting of the road bed and on work that is going to be done by open cut method. Then sanitation of the pipeline by bursting method is only one method of solution.
Line locators

Line locators or cable locators are devices for determining location and depth of the utilities – high voltage cables, pipelines under voltage. Line locators can determine place where cable is broken, they are used for place inspection before starting earth works, for searching buried wiring, for monitoring of the main pipelines condition.
Location systems

Location system using – is an effective method to pass safely through telephone cables, gas pipe lines, water pipelines, electrical cables and other underground utilities. Dneprremont location systems are compact, light, and simple in use, contain transmitter and receiver. They have intuitive control buttons and easy readable display.
Equipment for treatment facilities

Technological equipment for treatment facilities serves for waste water retention. This equipment transfers waste water to squeezer, then squeezed waste products transports through the pipeline to special containers for future ejection. This equipment enables to implement more progressive technological process of waste water cleaning, removing restrained waste, caught by grid. Dneprremont Company proposes for your attention high quality professional tools for pipe cleaning from well known world manufactures. In assortment of the proposed products, there are different kinds of electric and hand tools for sewer and pipeline cleaning, equipment for sewer flushing: high pressure hydrodynamic apparatus, spiral and sectional cleaning machines, hand ropes and cleaning tools, mud sucking machines, device for deposit removing, pneumatic gun, professional ventouse.
Grease and oil catchers

Grease catcher (fat separator) serves for cleaning household sewage and industrial waste water from unsolved fat and oil for to prevent clogging, fouling and premature collapse sewer pipelines. Oil catchers (petrol separators) serve for separating oil products from water. They are used on industrial companies’ water outlets, car washes refueling stations, car parking, roads and street sections. All oil and fat catchers are made from plastic. As material, plastic, in comparison with other materials, has series of advantages, especially in places of constant water presence. Of course, first of all – it is corrosion resistance, low constructional weight, leak proofness.